Our institute is the leading institute in Kolkata city, offering top job oriented nursing courses. We focus on quality education and providing maximum training in concern field for real development of skill in student get highly paid job in health sector.
The establishment of Calcutta Institute of Nursing & Paramedical Science for providing 4 years Degree & 3 years Diploma Course in B.Sc & GNM Nursing has indeed been a mission accomplished, a dream realized, a tryst with destiny fulfilled. To meet the demand of acute shortage of clinically trained and academically enriched, qualified nurses in India, we took up the initiative to establish Calcutta Institute of Nursing & Paramedical Science for imparting graduate and post graduate level nursing education such as; GNM, B.Sc courses to prepare the students to assume responsibility to provide effective medical care at Hospital and Community Levels. It plays an important role in planning, organizing and co-ordination of Health services at primary, secondary and tertiary level of Healthcare. The institute has assimilated the fact that our students need to be highly accomplished, enterprising, committed citizens bearing in them the capability of generating the World-class results in nursing field. Towards meeting such challenges, the institution follows a well thought system of educational initiative include professionally formulated & well-designed methodology backed by academically experienced faculty, adequate and sufficient labs & equipment ,good ambiance and a pragmatic academic aids. God has blessed us with indomitable will and unfailing courage and we are confident in achieving our goal.